Sunday, December 29, 2019

10 social media rules for new college graduates

10 social media rules for new college graduates10 social media rules for new college graduatesStudents and new graduates are being urged to clean up their social media accounts in order to prevent their angeschlossen profiles from damaging their career prospects.If youre an ambitious student who will soon be graduating and has yet to land your dream role, it could be time to take a critical look at your social media footprint. Does your potential employer know more about you than you think? Perhaps theyve looked you up on Google and have found those long-forgotten Facebook snaps of that big night out in Freshers Week when you ended up with a traffic cone on your head? Students are notlageorious for their partying antics which is all well and good until photographic evidence of your endeavors ends up online for the world to see.Many people approach social media as if its confidential and forget that anything shared online could find its way to their future employers. Whether its an in appropriate Tweet posted years ago, or a long-forgotten pic from a crazy night out, the news is rife with stories about well-known personalities being caught out by tasteless or unacceptable comments made when they were younger and not quite as internet-savvy.If youre serious about your career you should treat your social media profiles as an extension of your resume. Our social profiles are representative of our personalities, pastimes, and interests, so its vital to be conveying the correct image of yourself to current or prospective employers.By following LondonOffices.coms list of 10 social media dos and donts, students and new graduates can make sure they stay in their futures employers good books.5 things to doCheck your privacy settingWhilst many of us are guilty of thinking that our drunken snaps are safely hidden away from the prying eyes of current or future employers as our own personal profiles are private, did you know that anybody can see your tagged photos if the pers on that uploaded them has made the album public? So, make sure you have your privacy settings locked down.Facebook status privacy settings have been known to change when posted from a mobile device, so however secure you think your privacy settings are, make sure you double check before posting.Google your name and check whats onlineTheres tons of online information that can tell employers a lot about you tweets, posts, blogs, and photos. Its quite easy for employers to find information you may have preferred to keep private, and much of it can be found by simply Googling your name.Pre-empt any disasters by Googling your own name and rectifying anything that may raise alarm bells to potential employers.Create an online presenceIf youre looking for a new job, its important to have an online presence where you can showcase your skills and experience. Your online profiles will also help you connect with contacts who can help you in your job search or assist in moving you up the career ladder later on.Watch your grammarIt might seem like no big deal to use texting language on social media, especially when its convenient while posting on your phone or when you cant make your tweet fit otherwise.However, you could be losing jobs because of it, as employers will often look negatively upon poor spelling and grammar.Be consistentIts fine to rework the descriptions of your work experience so that its suitable for different platforms, but whats not acceptable is if your titles, companies, and dates dont match up. Thats a red flag for prospective employers and at the very least, shows carelessness.5 things to avoidVoice controversial opinionsWhile it is important to get involved with discussions online and flex your ideological muscles, nobody wants to employ an overly-opinionated loudmouth.To employers, your passion could come across as argumentative and you may seem difficult. Steer away from controversial issues if you want to keep the peace.Tweet about bad behaviorThi s is another really obvious one, but it can cause catastrophic results if not adhered to.Turned up late for lectures for the third time this week and got away with it? Good for you, but dont bother trying to brag to your friends about it over Twitter youre practically asking for future employers to find it and this will only show in a bad light.Display unprofessional profile photosIf an employer conducts a Google search of your name, any pictures affiliated with any of your profiles may pop up on the first results page.So, it goes without saying that career-driven folk should opt for a sensible profile picture opposed to a snap of you lying on the curb, drunk.Bash current/previous employersMany people are tempted to voice their work-related frustrations on Facebook or Twitter, and vent about how much their co-workers or boss have angered or upset them this goes for students who may have only ever had a part-time job. But keep in mind that prospective employers may be looking out f or this type of information, so refrain from making these comments at all costs.Mock your customersLike complaining about your boss, mocking or complaining about your customers or clients can have equally detrimental effects. Complaining about customers only shows your company and your work ethic in a bad light. fruchtwein employers wont stand for that, so avoid posting these types of complaints online.This article first appeared on Your Coffee Break.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

5 Things to Do Before You Apply to Any Job

5 Things to Do Before You Apply to Any Job5 Things to Do Before You Apply to Any JobImagine that a new restaurant is about to open in yourneighborhood. Youve heard great things about the chef, the place looksattractive and you cant wait to try the food. So you rush in within the first few days it isopen for business, only to find that the restaurant really hasnt finishedthe shakedown period. The food is unevenly prepared, the wait staff isntwell coordinated and your hopes for a perfect evening are dashed. Had the management given itself a little longer to work outthe inevitable bugs before opening, your first impression would likely be muchstronger. The restaurants chances for your repeat business would also havebeen much stronger.Career transitions are rarely easy, and there is apropensity to want to take shortcuts. Often new job hunters with greatpotential are in such a rush to get hired that they hurry the process, like therestaurant that opens its doors without ample preparation. You may be eager toapply to the first sttte of interest, but the effort is likely doomedwithout adequate planning.When you think about what you need to do for any largeproject, it can become overwhelming. And when you do things out of order, onesmall mistake early on can have larger ramifications later. This is especiallytrue for job seekers.The key to laying an effective job-search strategy isunderstanding the various parts of a job hunt and putting them into place inan ordered fashion. Its not about writing down everything youve beenresponsible for and calling it arsum, setting up a bare-bones LinkedInprofile or staying up late at night, applying to everything you see advertisedon a job board.For example, take this situation where things are notwell-ordered A job seeker meets someone at a gathering who might be interestedin helping. Can I see a copy of yourrsum? he asks.A reply like, I have to write it Ill get it to you when Ican immediately damages credibility, and it demonstra tes little reason for theperson to go out of his way to help. Here are five things you should do beforeapplying for a job1.Figureout what you have to offer an employer.If you are in midcareer and simply want to do what youve been doing somewhereelse, or you want take a step forward in a linear path, this may seem obvious. Still,it is well worth the time and effort to catalog your skills and achievementsbefore you move on to crafting yourrsum.If you want to change your career altogether,or if you are just starting out, rather than saying, I want to be a XXX, youmay benefit by taking advantage of a variety of self-assessment tools such asthe Myers-Briggs. Moreover, it makes a great deal of sense to arrange forinformational interviews to learn mora about your intended path forward fromthose who have already traveled it.2.Figureout employers needs. Think of this phase as the market research you needto do before you are ready to launch your campaign. Check out what openingslook like for the types of jobs for which you have great interest. And, if youhappen to find a job that excites you, take a breath and remember that speeddoesnt necessarily trump the quality of your application.Note the responsibilities needed to befulfilled, the skills it takes to accomplish them and the specific experienceemployers seek.3.Craftyour marketing materials. Remember that the purpose of yourrsumandLinkedIn profile is to draw people to you, not tell them all the things forwhich you have been responsible. Usethese keywords and concepts youve learnedabove as you draft yourrsum, LinkedIn profile and cover letters.4.Dig infor the long haul.There is atendency for newly unemployed people to express statements like Im great Iwont have any trouble finding a job. While it is important to maintain apositive self-image and sense of self-worth during what is often a depressingtime, when you are overconfident, you set yourself up for a biggerdisappointment when you dont gain traction immediately. 5.Dont reinventthe wheel. Collaborate. Find others who are going through what youare experiencing, and learn from each other. Practice you networking and interview skills in a safe environmentbefore you take them on the road. Consider getting a coach, counselor or mentorwho knows the ropes and can help you hone your message.When you sequence your hunt properly, youll be better ableto capitalize on every networking opportunity with the knowledge and confidenceit takes for success. Youll then provide employers with a carefully crafted,well-integrated message demonstrating how you are the answer to their needs.Happy hunting

Friday, December 20, 2019

Harassed by a Subordinate Employee at Work

Harassed by a Subordinate Employee at WorkHarassed by a Subordinate Employee at WorkWorkplace bullies usually operate from a position of power in fact, studies show that 80 percent of bullies are in a position of authority. Often bullies target peers, subordinates or those below them in the organizational hierarchy. However, sometimes roles are reversed and the subordinate harasses the supervisor. Below is one account, submitted by an anonymous worker, of how a subordinates abusive, harassing, passive-aggressive behavior wreaked havoc on zu sichbei supervisor. Bullied by a Subordinate About a year ago, the department I worked in was eliminated. The few of us who remained were assigned to anotzu sich division. My supervisor has a high titlebut found herself with too small a staff to justify it. Therefore, she scurried to find programs in other departments to raid. One department gave her an employee known as a schadstoff because departments are happy to give them away. My supervis or knew the bad reputation of the employee she was acquiring- because it had acquired over 30 years of incompetence and they attend the same church- and wanted minimal interaction with her new acquisition. Therefore, she assigned this gift to me. In the past year, this subordinate has refused to perform any work. At first, she claimed that she was a victim of bad managers for the prior 32 years of her career. Later, she claimed that she was the victim of her last supervisors conspiracy against her. Soon, she turned her attacks on me. She refused to do her work, because, she claimed, she never had to, or I didnt ask her politely, or she didnt understand my request, or her previous supervisor performed her work for her, or it was above her pay grade. My supervisor declared that all the tensionwas merely a personal dispute between the subordinate and me. At her fruchtwein aggressive, the subordinate would lather herself in pungent oils and lotions and stand over me as I sat in my cubi cle. She would talk to me only while eating with her mouth open and food falling out and making disgusting sounds from her endless bodily functions. In addition, she would pray loudly to herself, blast evangelical radio about repentance and conduct loud personal conversations about people going to hell for how they treated her. When other people visited me for work-related needs, she would take off her shoes and rub her feet with noxious ointments while trying to join ur discussion. Ultimately, after a confrontationaldiscussion where I cited her many passive-aggressive, obnoxious actions, as well as her self-admitted incompetence, I refused to look at her or talk to her. I told her to stop wasting time with her attacks upon me and do her work. She asked me, Who hurt you so badly that you treat me like this? I told her that I did not invest in myself or my career to be around someone like her and to do her work. She turned her back to escape me and I said, Dont ask my deepest thought s and ignore me if you cant accept that youre the problem. Co-workers overheard my words and angry tone and gasped at the interaction. How the Bullying Escalated I complained to my supervisor who created the entire situation. I documented the numerous insubordinate actions, unprofessional conduct, and unacceptable work, but my supervisor played my complaints off as my having a difficult personality and advised me to buy an air purifier. She claimed that nobody else complained about the subordinates odor, noise, and throwing papers and trash on surrounding empty cubicles, even though an employee with OCD and fear of germs worked two cubicles away. She said that we had to work out our disagreements between ourselves, but she refused to reassign the subordinate or support my request to pursue formal charges against her. At other times, this subordinate would ask me to stay behind at staff meetings (although she reported to me) to report and reprimand me to our division head. She cl aimed that I abused her because I could no longer talk to her without yelling and being angry. She accused me often of being a miserable person, independent of her presence. I zealously defended myself, identified her numerous failures to perform and demanded that she be transferred from beneath me. My co-worker even volunteered to manage the subordinate because she had worked with her earlier (and strongly warned our supervisor not to acquire her) and knew her notoriety was well-deserved. In fact, she understood why the subordinate was often assigned to isolated cubicles far away from whatever division she was assigned. Over the course of the year, I have suffered emotionally and physically. I gained 40 pounds from the stress of having to sit in the stench and filth and work with a deadbeat protected by civil service. I have cried at work, cried to my supervisor (who laughs at me and tells me that my weight gain is my own fault), and spent nights infuriated because I am forced to work late to redo the subordinates work because my supervisor makes me accountable. The subordinate continues to threaten to bring me up on charges and accuses me of being widely disliked (although I am professionally accomplished) when I ask her critical questions about her written work product. When I report these attacks to my supervisor, the supervisor threatens to suspend both my subordinate and me. What the Confrontations Have Led to Thus, I have instructed the subordinate to only communicate to me using email so that she protects herself from the abuse she accuses me of and so that I have documentation for her abuse of me. I also use these emails when she later denies saying whatever absurd excuse she devises in her refusal to perform her work. Because I have stated that she should email me only, she openly provokes me to become angry and then says loudly to nobody, Did everyone hear how she speaks to me? Over the course of this year, she has insisted only to my superviso r that she is going to retire any day now. She makes this claim after her most obnoxious confrontations with me after I document her theft of time or insubordination or incompetence. Her false promises effectively buy her three more months of reprieve, because my supervisor tells me that shell be leaving any day now. She has yet to submit her retirement papers. So I continue to wish for her demise or departure.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to follow up over email with a key person from a conference

How to follow up over email with a key person from a conferenceHow to follow up over email with a key person from a conferencePeople attend conferences to learn, grow and meet new people.And if you come across someone interesting who can advance your business, its important to send a homilie when youre back home to keep the dialogue going.Heres how.Subject line Great to meet you at name of event/conferenceHi persons first name,It was nice to meet you at name of event/conference. I enjoyed learning more about what did you learn from or about the other person for instance, the work you do at Acme Corporation. Plus, I needed someone to joke with during that boring keynote address.Lets keep the discussion going. Then, whats the next step? for instance, As I mentioned, our company is looking for a new accounting firm and yours may be a good fit. I will connect you with our CFO in a separate email so you two can meet.Thanks again, Leaders first nameEmail signatureDeeper InsightPut the name of the event/conference where you met in the subject line. It makes your email more recognizable in a crowded inbox.Also, make sure to explain the next step (looking for anew accounting firm). The person may not want to follow up if he/she doesnt know the why.Thisarticlewas originally published

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Little-Known Secrets to Resume Writing Certification

The Little-Known Secrets to Resume Writing Certification Getting the Best Resume Writing Certification If you submit your application online, its also wise to have a chance to attach your resume. Your resume should discuss the way the practical wisdom and hands-on training you received allow you to offer excellent patient care. Complete the form below to make sure your priority placement once the program is ready. Some on-line programs will search your application for key words which were in the work description. In truth, its better to leave your reader with a couple questions theyd love to ask you. So many questions to answer prior to getting started. A professionally written resume or CV provides a great deal more than simply listing your skills in a typical way. You want to provide concise, relevant and engaging responses to be able to WOW your interviewers. You should also compose an impressive short cover letter that may introduce you to the proprietor. Its no long er essential to include your whole mailing address at the peak of your resume. You dont want to have the recruiter to need to hunt for your telephone number or email address if theyre prepared to talk with you. As an example, a resume should be only 1 page, and it must be laser-printed or typeset by an expert printer, and it ought to be printed on bond paper. Much like any resume, acover letter has to be tailored to the particular role, company or sector youre applying for. Be sure that your resume is catching the recruiters attention for all of the correct factors. When you make an application for work in part, you could possibly be requested to complete a paper application. However effective youre in your work, the tough part is making certain that comes across. Which format you select will depend, in part, on the sort of work youve performed and whether you will continue in the exact field. Youre the only person whos accountable for landing work. One of the absolute most important and intimidating actions in the work search procedure is writing a solid resume that gets the attention you need and need. The Basic Facts of Resume Writing Certification Alas, many job seekers become overwhelmed before they even begin. Folks are constantly looking for jobs. Many employers utilize search engines to discover candidates with resumes containing certain key terms. Some recruiters utilize certain search phrases to screen resumes and pick the most effective potential candidates for a job opening. Our professional experts can help you get the job that youve always desired. Whether youre searching for your very first job or your next one, you will need a resume that shows employers that youre a skilled professional. If you take a close look at sample resumes online, you are going to observe dozens of unique formats and resume templates. More helpful details on selecting resume writers are available in our article How to decide on a Decent Resume Writer. If youre uncertain how to phrase your skills, or in case you desire examples of objective statements, take a look at some job websites for ideas. Try to remember that several people would advertise their writing services on websites like Craigslist or another on-line sites. Conclusion Personal training is among the fastest growing occupations in the nation. Maintaining certification requires you to earn 15 CEUs every 3 decades, and you have to also renew your membership annually. An expert certification is proof that youve got the wisdom and skills to do something. Nearly every profession has certifications you are able to get. For instance, if you have CPR certification and youre asking for an accounting position it isnt relevant and would most likely be better left off your resume. Some could have additional secondary certifications that arent really related to the position. Employers like to realize that you have work experience of some sort, at least. Recruiters wont h ave time to thoroughly review your resume. 1 advantage for employers to www resumes is the substantial cost saving in comparison to traditional hiring methods.In the event the client wants an individuals will remember, I give them one people wont ever forget. Staying in contact with your clients is among the most important elements to cultivating an active resume-writing enterprise. You may depend on us because weve helped hundreds of different men and women get the jobs theyve always dreamt of. Lots of people change jobs regularly and if they do they have a great deal of applications, interviews, and red tape to experience.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Delivery Driver Resume Reviews & Guide

Delivery Driver Resume Reviews & Guide Our resume builder will provide you with tips and examples about how to compose your resume summary. Our driver resume samples show a wonderful illustration of the way to condense your experience down to a single page. Then you must earn a comprehensive description of every facet of your work. To begin with, youve got to opt for a resume format that will permit you to present your work in an easily accessible method. Youre going to need a resume prepared and sent to employers if you are searching for a job for a pizza delivery driver. If youre searching for a career thats both challenging and rewarding, truck driving might be the best option for you. Something that only took a few hours can appear great on an expert trucking resume. Use the ideas shared above to create fantastic resumes and youll be way up to landing the shipping driver job that you want. How to Find Delivery Driver Resume It is not so much whether youve held a c onventional leadership position (such as manager or supervisor) but how well you may put certain skills into action. Dental assistant is also referred to as dental hygienist in some specific scenarios. So be certain to list the ideal certifications for the job that you desire If you need an excellent job which you would need to highlight all the skills which you know or have acquired working as a dental assistant. Based on your qualification, you are able to look for a multitude of available positions youre able to qualify for. High educational attainment isnt a prerequisite for the majority of employers. The Driver is accountable for the delivery of automotive parts to customers in a timely and secure manner when keeping the integrity of the brand by giving a high degree of customer services. Your truck driver resume must start out with a proactive career objective at which you can slightly touch on your major abilities or expertise to demonstrate your competency from the st art. Experienced driver with superior shipping service skills resumes stellar on-time shipping record. So when the hiring company hasnt provided a salary for work, we look at salary data from related businesses and locations to produce a fair estimate for what it is possible to anticipate. Many states need special industrial licenses. On your resume, list all of your delivery experience, for example, form of vehicle used. Get the Scoop on Delivery Driver Resume Before Youre Too Late So, the shipping driver is anticipated in order to multitask. Therefore, if you prefer to be a shipping driver, you must have an excellent driving record. A pizza delivery driver distributes pizzas and relevant products by driving a car, many times a light truck, van, vehicle or bike. Youre going to compose the fruchtwein outstanding shipping driver resume in history. Blended learning is a good learning shipping style. Consider a well-written resume as your very first delivery with informat ion to demonstrate that youre the ideal person for the position. So, it turned into a nice atmosphere. Becoming friendly, understanding, and ready to listen will get you quite a way. Normally, theres more to being a shipping driver than simply driving a van for delivering items. You will discover that youre even more skilled than you thought. So, it gave me a bit more edge, a bit more push. You should remain composed in any way times even when you are fatigued from the very long drive and keep focused on arriving at a resolution. A shipping drivers job is not quite as straightforward as driving from 1 place to another. New drivers learn a bulk of their skills in the first couple of years on the street. Regardless of the kind of material being transported, delivery drivers must have the ability to manage cargo responsibility and deliver their loads in time. Commercial drivers perform to a far higher voreingestellt of road safety, and they need to maintain a reputation for e xcellence in driver performance to keep a valid license. Delivery Driver Resume - Dead or Alive? A significant part your work for a Delivery Driver is going to be to interface with the recipients of the items which youre delivering. As a Shift Runner, its expected that you are going to be in a position to efficiently schedule the shifts of every employees and be sure that every employees will find a good share of job schedule. Delivery Driver Resume Sample It is crucial to show in your Delivery Sales resume that youve got the critical attributes to find the supervisor done right. The shipping driver is normally a very important member of the supply chain team.